A room without books is like a body without a soul

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“Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers.”

- Charles W. Eliot

why people love audiobooks

People love listening to audiobooks for the same reasons they enjoy reading books or hearing campfire stories; they appreciate being taught in a lecture or studying a manual. The human intellect craves expansion. It enjoys learning and exploring new things. It loves stories
I'm a person who enjoys multitasking. Traveling in a car while listening to an audiobook is one of my favorite pastimes. I like listening so much that I've gone further than I wanted to go simply to complete a book.
Smilling man e1644192068511
john m.
The reason why audiobooks appeal to me is that I am dyslexic. I struggled to learn to read and had to wait until I was ten years old to understand the mechanics of sounding out words. I am still a slow, attentive reader as a result of this learning handicap. While I enjoy books, it is difficult for someone like me to read them.
young man
george l.
I adore audiobooks and have them playing in almost every area in my house. There's one in the kitchen for me to listen to as I cook dinner. Evenings find me in the bathtub, listening to an audiobook as I unwind after a hard day. And I always have an audiobook in my car.
makeup artist 62
patrica r.
Make-up artist
Since the early 1990s, audiobooks have been a huge part of my reading life. The first book I listened to was Pat Conroy's Prince of Tides, read by Richard Thomas. Not only was the writing captivating, but so was the reading performance.
smilling lady e1644192432491
mary a.
home maker